
year-end #5

some year-end shouts for two great dudes i have the privilege of being acquainted with who are making great music right now. as your eyes compute this t-e-x-t.

Thunderous Olympian
there he is, TO, Olin, Jason to his homies, lookin' chill and stuff. Jason makes original beats suitable for trunk rattling and is the best DJ. literally the best. he is about to set Chicago ablaze with flaming bald eagles wearing wayfarers. yessss.
platters of info to be found here: www.thunderousolympian.com

Twin Cats
Joey stepped up his game and put others to shame with his first album under the Twin Cats moniker, titled Up North. slow-burning beauty full of good old-fashioned midwestern heart, hints of folksiness and maybe a dash of twang where necessary. fully accomplished tunes from a guy who is bound to get just more accomplished-er.
all you need to know is here: www.imaginetwincats.com

isn't it great knowing rad people?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

gah dang, matt. you are too kind.